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Christmas Events

A Big Thank You!

Dear Christmas Tree Festival Entrants,                                                          November, 2024.


Firstly – a huge THANK YOU!!!! There would have been no festival without your hard work and commitment. We hope you enjoyed yourselves.

Secondly – CONGRATULATIONS!!! Well over 1,400 people came to look at the trees, to hear something of your stories about creating them, and to cast their vote.  Some people wrote lovely comments on their voting slips. Some even drew pictures! Everybody said how difficult it was to choose, as each group’s tree had merits for different reasons. This year, the results were all very close!

Thirdly – our chosen local charities: TEAM BEN HAMMOND and TENTERDEN SOCIAL HUB have benefited from the public donations we received. £800 was given! This means each charity will benefit by £400 . AMAZING!!!

Finally – this year, the overall  winner of this fifth Tenterden Christmas Tree Festival is: Tenterden Primary School Federation’s: “Shining Bright Across the World”. Congratulations!

Well done everyone!!!

We hope you will agree that it has been a worthwhile event. Many local people now know more about your organisation. Thanks to your hard work, local families will benefit from the work of Team Ben Hammond and Tenterden Social Hub. Well done!

Our congregation from Zion Baptist Church, Tenterden, join me in wishing you a Blessed and Peaceful Christmas.




Suzanne Martin

Christmas Tree Festival co-ordinator.

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