What do we believe?
We believe in God the Father; Maker of heaven and earth and creator of man; in Jesus Christ His Son; His virgin birth; His perfect manhood; the authority of all His teaching, His work of atonement by His suffering and death; His bodily resurrection and ascension into heaven; His priestly intercession for His people at the right hand of the Father; and His certain personal return in glory; in the Holy Spirit, Comforter, Advocate and Teacher, by whom came conviction of sin, regeneration and sanctification; in the unity of the Godhead and Divine co-equality of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
We believe in the full inspiration of the Holy Scriptures and their supreme authority and sufficiency in all matters of faith and doctrine; the sinful nature of man in consequence of the fall, rendering him subject to God’s wrath; the redemption of humanity through individual faith in Christ and His atoning work; the claims of Christ as Lord and King in all paths of life; the resurrection of all humanity, both the just and the unjust, to the final judgment of God.
We practice the ordinance of the Lord’s supper as Christ commanded in remembrance of Him and His redeeming love; the Ordinance of Believer’s baptism by immersion as in obedience to the command and example of our Lord and as a testimony to faith.
Our membership shall only consist of those persons who, in keeping with it’s Basis of faith, have professed their repentance towards God and faith in Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord, and whose lives manifest the genuineness of their faith.
Join Us
I have been attending Zion Baptist Church for 18 years and have a prominent role within the church, so you are likely to see me every Sunday and at member meetings.
The friendly family atmosphere and service accomdates all age groups and we look forward to welcoming you.
Simon Smith, Elder and Football Club Leader
Life Exhibition held last year (2023)
Please note
The proposed Life Exhibition for 2024 has been cancelled until next year (2025)